What is Safe Liposuction

SAFE Liposuction

SAFE Liposuction is a multi-step process of comprehensive fat management that adheres to the principles of minimizing tissue injury and fulfilling aesthetic ideals. As the name suggests, it is a highly safe technique used for body contouring.

SAFE Liposuction is a 3 step procedure which combines elements of liposuction, fat shifting, and fat grafting:

Separation: This is the first step, in which infiltration of tumescent fluid and simultaneous separation and emulsification of fat cells is carried out either by the traditional method or power assisted method.During this step, both superficial and deep fat is separated through continuous passing of the cannula while no suctioning is performed. As there is no suction, minimal injury occurs to the dermis, vascular network, nerves, and fascia while the fat is being separated.

Aspiration: The next step involves use of cannulas to aspirate this low-resistance, separated fat. As the blood vessels were spared during the separation process, there is little to no blood present in the aspirated fat.

Fat Equalization: This is the final step in which the surgeon evens out the layer of fat that was left behind accomplished by further emulsification of the remaining fat bed, evening out the inevitable thicker and thinner areas that exist. This helps achieve smooth and natural-looking results and avoids contour irregularities.

With SAFE Liposuction, patients experience less downtime as compared to traditional tumescent liposuction. There is minimal bruising and swelling and within few days, patients can resume most of their activities.